SecsToHost.Net is fast, reliable and user-friendly software solution, enabling semiconductor equipment manufacturers in seamlessly incorporating SEMI SECS/GEM standards into their equipment and devices.
Data Collection: sending equipment data, machine statuses to the Host.
Event Notification: sending event, trigger or alert to notify the Host.
Alarm Notification: sending alarm occurrence or clearance as and when it happens.
Remote Command: let host send START, STOP, PP-SELECT command remotely to facilitate automation.
Process Program: download/upload two-way recipe to the Host.
Many more: Terminal Service, Equipment Constant, Spooling, Wafer Mapping, etc.
SEMI E4 - RS232
SEMI E5 - SECS-II メッセージ仕様
SEMI E30 - 一般機器モデル (GEM)
SecsToHost.Net can be integrated to your equipment controller software easily through programming languages such as: .NET Framework, .NET CORE, Visual C++, Visual Basic or National Instrument LabVIEW.
Run on Windows, IOT and Linux Operating systems or EDGE devices.
GEMStation (included in the SDK) is an open-sourced application design to give your developer a head start in implementing a range of GEM features.
The SDK includes a SECS/GEM simulator, allowing you to conduct testing scenarios and facilitate message exchanges between equipment and host.

信じて見てください! Model Builder を使用すると、SEMI 規格に準拠した完全な機器リファレンス マニュアルを生成できます。